Milk for a Healthy Body, Mind and Soul

milk for a healthy mind, body and soul

Did you know Cleopatra used to take milk baths to keep her skin soft and glowing? Interesting, isn’t? While taking milk baths may not be pocket-friendly for us, we can always drink milk to derive its benefits. I know I know, you don’t like milk, but you can at least apply it on your skin. Lactic acid in milk acts as an enzyme to smooth your skin. Similarly, its amino acid helps in keeping your skin moisturized. Besides, milk has the properties that prevent damages that can be caused by environmental toxins as it has antioxidants. However, those who have a sensitive skin, milk can aggravate your present skin disease or condition. For them consumption is the best possible way to derive milk benefits.

Apart from skin, milk helps you preserving healthy bones. From young children to adult must consume milk daily to keep themselves strong. As for teeth, a lot of the population suffers from teeth problems. One of the main reasons is not having milk during the growing stage. Like me, there are many who don’t like drinking milk, little knowing what terrible impact it can have when they grow up and by then it will be too late.

Individuals who have vitamin D deficiency, they must consider buying milk that comes with extra Vitamin D, ensuring that the body is able to absorb the calcium. Also, milk contains protein, hence you might find bodybuilders drinking glasses of milk post exercise as that way they replenish fluids lost during the workout plus it helps in relieving muscle soreness.

You will be stunned to know that milk also helps in weight loss. I am sure after knowing this, those who didn’t use to have milk will now start having. No, I am not asking you to count on me studies have shown that women who drink skim milk or low-fat milk tend to lose more weight than the ones who completely exclude from the diet. Milk not only makes a healthy snack but a great appetizer too. So, from now consider adding a glass of milk to your dinner.

Apart from the body, milk has an amazing soothing effect on your mind as well. A warm glass of milk after a long, stressful day will relax your tense muscles by letting you soothe your frayed nerves. Significantly, milk has proven to reduce the symptoms of PMS.


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